Why are You still a Slave by Peter Johnson

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Have a look around, If you have any questions about my book or would like to have me present one of my seminars, Please email me peter@waysas.com I do travel internationally and Present seminars to all kinds of groups from 2 people to 20 000 people. You will need to book at least 6 months in advance because as much as I love helping people, I am busy Living my dream...

It has taken me many years to finish this book but as it is about how money is manipulating every system within it, While we use money it will be important. I have taken my time to write and rewriting this book. In fact I though I had it finished but then I was reminded that a great book is not perfect because you can not put anything else in but it is only truly great when you can not take anything else out. With that thought in mind I cut 30 000 words out of the original draft. I hope that what is left, is a concise, thoughtful and complete explanation of how to use the monetary system to your advantage, Whatever your goals might be.

You will see some of the toys that I have had and the life experiences that my freedom from a “Job” have given me around the site. Most of them are just impossible to anyone with a job because “Jobs” take the time you would need to enjoy the experience. I do not say that I have had a fantastic life with unlimited money but lots of money was not as important to me as lots of time, Time with my family while they were young.

To a big extent I have achieved that goal and spent most of the last 10 years with my family in day to day things. I am very often the only Dad in the room or at the sports events and that has been a reward greater than any money I have ever made or toy brought. Saying that I did do some fantastic things with my family, that required a lot of money and have had so many options in life because of the money I have been able to make and keep.

If you have a dream big or small, This book can help you find the money you need to achieve that dream and many times you can have your dream within a few months of creating a new life plan. I have met and helped people achieve their dreams almost immediately, Just by the principles in this book and giving them the permission that they needed to break the rules and live their dream!!

So what is your Dream ?

Whatever it is, Do not leave it until another day, Never again look back at the last five years and wander, “what did I do with all that time.. Read my book, Let me help you Plan your Freedom today. Be the master of your life and not a slave.

Best Wishes

Peter Johnson

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