My Library
Great Books and There Authors
Books and seminars I can credit for some of my success if not all of it. I should say again that when I left High-school I had read all of 3 books and one of them was "Spot the Dog Jumped over the Log". I failed year 10 english and I in class nobody ever asked me to read allowed after the first time because I was that bad. My first company I had 3 checks sent back because I spelt 13 wrong. I mean I was that illiterate that I asked a friend of mine, "why do they have computer (not commuter) parking at the train station. Now it seams funny but when I was 18 and I wanted to get into business, I quickly realised that the education system had failed me but I needed to fix it however I could.
So I started reading books and non fiction books are hard to read some times but lucky for me I found some that read like stories (The richest man in Babylon and Og Mandino’s books) and I found out that the tape player in my car (yes I am that old), turned my car into a university on wheels. I decided to read just one page a day at 18 years old and listen to one tape a day. Lucky for me I found a whole bunch of Amway tapes at a flee-market (Garage sale), they were really cheap and actually still in the plastic wrapper most of the time. I did not even know what Amway was back then I just knew they had lots of rich people willing to spend time telling poor people how to be better. Now in this list Amway tapes or books are not mentioned but the Automatic education system that a lot of there networks have of, one book a month and one tape a week was fantastic for this uneducated kid from Brisbane. If you want to be successful you need at least that amount of commitment to change habits and get your thinking right.
In fact one thing I have always had in my favour is dogged determination and because it was such a big time investment for me to read a book, I decided to write a book review on each book I read and make sure I take at least one principle from each book and do something with it for at least 30 days. It is no good reading any book if you do not have the intention to learn something and work hard at remembering it.
There are lots of mentoring and education systems around and I have tried many of them but the Amway program was the cheapest and the best business mentoring program bar non. The problem is like many groups and clubs it is only the people working who get the benefits out of it. I should point out that I have joined the Amway sales system at least 4 times over the years to buy there products but I am not in the system now and I get nothing out of recommending their education system.
Top seven must reads, if you want something to change for you. Click the links to buy on Amazon
These books are not in a particular order except this first 7 books that I think are a must read book. If I have put a comment or link beside the rest, it means that I really liked the book and think that you should put it on your reading list.
Business and Management
The Invisible World - Lance Spicer - This is a great book although out of date now it was a real eye opener. I only found one for sale on ebay and my copy is not for sale. It is not for sale on amazon even.
Money - Roland Nitsche Like most good books about money it is hard to find but it clearly explains that our fiat money has no value and is created by banks for free but then we pay loans back on that free money with our physical labour and this makes us slaves to banks. I explain this more fully in my book
How to Organise and Operate a Small Business in Australia - John English
Managing Office Mayhem - Harry Haxton - a small run filling book and I am sure there are others but I can not find it online
Ideas Generation - R Herceg & T Flattery
Business Direction - Ascent Business Directions
Manual for Residential Property Investors - Jan Somers - This is a great book written by a single mum and it explains the leap frog approach. I can not find it for sale and mine is not for sale .. LOL
Landlords Handbook - Suzi Bilosh
The Property Investor’s Handbook - G Airey
Real Estate Mistakes - Niel Jenman
Shares and Funds
The Secret of Candlestick Charting - L Bedford - Great book but Not a unique idea and so it is it not available but maybe try another one
Guide to Off Shore Funds - R Milroy
High Yield Investments - Lance Spicer
Marketing and Sales
How to Build a MLM Org - Don Failla
Writing and Implementing a Marketing Plan - R Gerson
Telemarketing - L & V Finch
Politics Religion and Philosophy
Fixing the Government - K Beauchamp
Candid Questions about Morality - J Edwin Orr
Globalization - G Strachan
Australia 2000 - J Lee
Shadow over Tasmania - C Smith
Australia the Concealed Colony - ICER
The Australian Constitution
The Privacy Act
The freedom of information act
Personal Development
As a Man I thinketh By James Allen This is a really helpful book to help focus on what is actually important in life
The Secret - R Byine
The Do It Success series - J Sherman
The Possible Dream - C Conn
You Can Do It - Tom Haggai
No Excuse - J Rifenbary
The Self Esteem Repair & Maintenance Manual - D Brooks & R Dalby
Cheats at Work - G Mars
Choices with Clout - W Cross
Understanding Other People - John M Fraser
You’ve Got What it Takes - Wesley Harris
Confessions of a Sinner - Penguin Books - This is a small book packed with soul searching commentary
Personal Finance and Asset Protection
Bulletproof Asset Protection - Ed Burton
Money Making Made Easy - N Reed
How to be Rich and Happy on Your Income - H Jakobi
Escape to Prosperity - Wes Beavis
Hundreds of Ways to Make Money from Home - R Fox & T Stowe
Rhinoceros Success - Scott Alexander
Healthy Body and Mind
Myths, Lies and exercise - G Jowett
How Your Memory Works (7 written lectures) - W Langford Penny
The Mind Miracle - Dr D Singh
Special Interest
The Origin of Genesis - Glen H Dawes - This guy self published and I have two copies of his book because it was that good and so interesting but unfortunately he thinks he is actually Jesus (no joke) and this book is not edited very well either. What I found so interesting is the history of units and numbers. One table he had taken from an old book linked it to a 200 year old economic prediction of booms and busts. It also predicted a major bust in 2036, I have to say this lines up with Gan theory too and the Dutch Royal Shell "The blue print - Scramble version" ... Anyway if you find a copy worth a read but you might end up in a cult ...
The Communist Manifesto - It is so funny to me that this book is still on banned book lists in many countries and yet the plan set forth in the book, is actually happening in the "Capitalist countries around the world"
CD’s, Seminars and Coaching
Go Law’s the Round Table Law Society - Richard Garnaut - This was a local course and after doing this course I realised that the law is not taught to average people and there is a principle of "Default consent" and that drives our legal system but people do not even know what they are consenting to or that they have a choice not to Consent.
Action International Business Coaching - Brad sugars started this company and unfortunately the content that he started with has not translated into his courses but his content, if you can get it was fantastic. Now his site is just what I hate about business coaching, even their website has a link stating "Become a Coach" because you do not need any actual knowledge to teach people about business.
The Taxation Examiner
Vision, Values and Destiny - Thomas & Assoc
Trading and Tax - The Trading Game
Happiness and Self-Esteem - Rick Collingwood
Top Gun - Wayne Berry
Dead Doctors Don’t Lie - Joel Waliach - this is a fantastic read if you have any health problems and tells you to stop taking "Medicine" but instead just take the vitamin that fixes the problem.
My Last Patient - Dr Harry Alsleben
Is There a Better Way - Pat Mesiti
The Ascent of Money - BBC
International Seminars Limited
How your Mind Works - Michael Rowland
How to Increase your Confidence - Dr Brian Willersdorf
How to Have a Good Day Every Day - Ed Forman - This link will take you to the free youtube audio book, you should take lots of notes on this one, I would have listened to this tape 100 times or more I am sure
Keys to a Better Business - Brett Chamberlain - this material was great but I could only find the guy on linked in and not the content but I guess you could ask him if he had some tapes laying around still.
The Unfair Advantage Business Coaching - Brett Chamberlain
Most People Aim at Nothing - Rachel Doblo
How to Deal with the Tax Man - Eddie Kahn - I put this link here to point out that when I heard this guys material in Brisbane, he was promoting the same ideas that he eventually ended up in jail for. You always need to watch out for con men.
Money Magic - Peter Span - Peter really had some good content and did well for himself but in the end he started selling stuff in the back of the room, breaking his original advice. Now Days I would not go to his seminars but his books are still worth reading. He introduced me to trading options and that was a good investment.
Super Trader - Peter Span
Self Hypnosis - Marshall Sylvers
Opionetics Trading Home Study Course
You Can Learn to Sell - Rosemary Moore
NLP, Book Writing, Speed Reading and Speaking courses
QMB Business Management
Real Estate Mastery Certificate 4 in Real Estate
I have read many more books than this and been to countless seminars more than is on this list and I am sure I have read some good books that at the time I read them, I thought I would lend to someone but I guess that book is still unread on their book self.
One of the greatest things you can do for yourself and the ones you love is to fill your house with well-read educational books. Your library of books will encourage your family and friends in ways you don’t understand yet. It will take pride of place in your home and mean far more than a bit of paper on the wall or letters after your name. The man who builds his house is blessed by his labour, more than the man who buys it.
If you are just starting your own journey of Independent Private Education, then don’t feel overwhelmed by the list of books in my library. I started with just one book Money Making Made Simple by Noel Whittaker. It was a rare gift from my dad and even though I struggled to read it, I knew that my future success lay inside books like this. I was 15 at the time and could barely read, but I did commit to finishing that book. Now I have a bookshelf full of life-changing books that have paid me back time and again for all the effort I put in to learning from them.
I have duplicated the success of greater men and profited from their losses and all that I know is in these books. I would like to thank all these authors for the hundreds of hours they put into writing their books that helped the creation of my success.
Thanks again to all the people who have bought my book and I hope that it helps in the creation of your success in the same way that my library has helped me.
Peter Johnson
“Success is a choice - Make it yours”
Great authors and presenters
James Rohan
Charlie Tremendous Jones
Ed Forman
Brian Tracy
Zig Ziglar
Brad Sugars
Peter Spann
Tony Robins
Peter Johnson Coming Soon - when I find an Agent
Great Quotes
If it is to be, then it’s up to me.
Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, either way you are probably right.
You can trust a thief, but you can’t trust a liar.
Don’t drink to be happy, drink to be happier.
Don’t be the only circus in town that pays to perform.
Don’t send your ducks to eagle school.
Why have a dog and bark yourself.
It’s only a mistake if you don’t learn something.
To know and not to do is not to know.
You cannot try to do anything, you either do it or you don’t.
You get paid for results, not for effort.
If you want to be paid more, become more valuable.
Don’t ask for less challenges, ask for more strength.
If you want something done, ask a busy person because the person with nothing to do will never find the time.
It’s character building.
You are planning to fail, if you fail to plan.
Greed has killed more men than women or whisky.
You have to learn the rules to the game and follow them long before you understand or perfect them.